This week let us be inspired by the creative prompt Goddess. A female being of supernatural powers or attributes, believed in and worshiped by a people. A female being believed to be the source of life and being and worshiped as the principal deity in various religions. Something, such as fame or wealth, that is worshiped or idealized. Or a woman of great beauty or grace. (Inspire me Thursday)
These goddesses are standing watch in the sea of creativity! They are always around me and have been a theme in several things that I have done before...But this prompt was a great reminder to bring them to life once again....They remind me to follow my star...to wear a crown of creativity...to be a thoughtful and caring friend...to share my soul..and to honor the creative process!!!!!!! So they stand watch...strong..true..full of color..and stead fast!
Artfully Yours,
Looks so great and colourful ;-)
I'm more and more convinced that you are the Goddess of Joyous Inexhaustible Creative Energy! You MUST have supernatural powers to create such WONDER and WHIMSY and SOUL MUSIC within hours of a concept being introduced. I stand with head bowed in amazed respect!
The Force is MOST DEFINATELY with YOU!
Well done, Pattie! I agree with Royce's comment... I am in awe every week.
Thanks also for stopping by. I unfortunately missed last week's challenge because I was so engrossed with the red shirted boy :)
Thank You all....believe me...I just never sleep!! LOL...All of my Thursday friends inspire me to get myself into my creative groove and submit! Having so much fun with these little 4 by 4's! They offer me a venue to be creative without perfection! THANK YOU AGAIN!!!!!!!!!
Pattie this is just beautiful. But I'm thinking that you are inspiring these goddesses and not the other way around!
Love all the color and the interesting composition!
Love everyting, the colors are awesom !!!
they are beautiful. as always, i love the lively color of your art. and i really love the way they are walking, dancing, floating & bobbing on the waves. what a hallmark of feminine energy that is!
It makes me think of the creative process as a party with a really awesome hostess!
so full of rainbows :)
blessings of the goddess!
I like the loose style of this and the repeating of the swirling pattern.
This is fantastic. I love the line and colours.
Lovely and colorful. I love the way you describe the "sea of creativity".
Breathtaking! So vibrant and energetic. Thank you for sharing your soul!
I love your use of shape. You have such an amazing gift in using form in such a powerful way. Beautiful colors and energy!
My Inspiration Thursday Friends are truly supportive and I thank you for that...All of you!!
What can I say that I haven't said...you're every creation is incredible and inspiring. I love the colors, the collage of images, the mystery and the message. I can see an ongoing story each time I look at this.
It's interesting that both of us use the phrase "sea of creativity" in our Goddess entries!
i visited your blog.very few people in this present world are real art-blooded.your colors, your presentations, your style speaks loudly that God has made your mind artfully. wish you adorableseconds and minutes everyday you live.
Thank you everyone...this thursday inspiration project is a joyful place to play when supported by such wonderful souls! Thank you all for visiting..for your comments...for your inspiration...I am so glad I opened up enough to join in the fun!
they look sassy and sweet and juicy :-)
Yep. My inspiremethursday poem praising artistic women totally means this! Great stuff!
Wow! Your work is absolutely AMAZING! Love all the color and your lines are so confident and powerful! Thank you so much for sharing your talents! Beautiful blog by the way!!!!!
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