My children are both tattoo artists...and I am in awe of the work that they do...taking ink and making permanent art on people. Now, I know that tattoos are not for everyone...My children are fairly illustrated as they say...I have a few, but we love them....I am very fond of the OLD SCHOOL style myself...very black line and slight graphic...so here is my take on a bird tattoo done in the OLD SCHOOL style...And the love I hold for my children and our creativity!
(My tattoos are: an ankle bracelet with scarab Beatles and a lotus blossom..done by my daughter...a small entwined branch with two flowers on my left wrist, done by a guy named jet when I turned 40 before my kids started doing them, a Japanese crane on my hip that covers up the very first tattoo I got (the long stem red rose of course!!) and if you press on my profile page you will see the one I have on my back...My son drew this as a gift for me for Mother's Day one year except there was a banner that said THE MOMMY...I knew it had to be a tattoo!! That is it FOR NOW...Seems I get one every 5 to 10 years ...so I will be coming up for one soon!!)
Artfully Yours,
I love it, so as you see Old School, the colours the way the bird is flying..I happen to love the art of the tatoo, I do not have one (to scared)...
I like this style too. Nice work.
My husband has a couple of tattoos, but I have been too chicken :)
It's my first time posting at IMT - and I am having a ball looking at everyone's work.
ooh I love this. Very sweet :)
I love this! I am a huge fan of tattoo art, and I really do admire those people who have the steady hand and nerves to create their art on another's skin. This swallow with the banner is so wonderfully traditional, especially with the words "love" and "family," the two things that make a house a home:> I'd love to know what your tattoos are!
I was looking at the picture and thought, "That could be a tatoo!" And then I read your description : )
It's very sweet!
love it!
I did consider having one done when I was over in the UK...as a suprise for Dh...chickened out in the end!!
WOW, love this one!!!!
I love this, I don't have tattoos but if I did, it would be a bird or a dolphin probably on my shoulder.
This one would make a superb tatoo. I didn't want one, but maybe I do now. Nice image!!
I love the crisp and clearness of this, and the layers of love and family joining up :)
That would be a gorgeous tattoo. I have a small little black outline of a heart on my ankle, something I use to draw in pen and when I was old enough went out and made it permanent. Love the tattoo on your back! katy
Great post and love your design too.
Pattie...it's great, as always...BUT what I'm loving is the story of your tattoos! How completely cool that you have a handful of them, that your kids do them, that you're getting more! I have one on my ankle that I got LONG before it was cool, somewhere around 1975. For a while I thought I wanted another, then I thought I didn't. Now you have me thinking of it again! Great post, sweet illustration & fabulous tattoo photo on your profile!
Oh I love it. Very sweet. Nice colors. And I've never done tatoos before oh well our religion forbidden it. hehehaha
I love birds, this one is particularly fun! Love the story!!
So awesome. It's a great tattoo design.
I love this piece! So vibrant! It's so cool that both your children are tattoo artists!
There is something so special about old school tats. How cool is it that your kids are artists! I love your ink and you wear it so well. :D
I am not a tattoo person but my nickname is jaye bird. I would have this on my backside. I love it. It is absolutely perfect and exactly what I would think a bird should look like.
Wow. What a neat site.
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