I am NEW to ATC's.... Again, I am trying to find a comfortable place with them...MY COMFORT...raw art... that I paint..cut...and then alter...Thus staying true to myself. I have tried so hard to do altered art, and as I was telling someone yesterday, it just doesn't ever look right to me (perhaps I am too hard on myself!) But I DO SO LOVE IT and ADMIRE all those who do it!! This piece is 3-D so it did not scan as well as I would of liked...BUT I am happy with the outcome and as I become more comfortable with them I hope to add more elements. For now I do my basic art. The background and the butterfly!! Thanks for stopping by...and leaving a comment...It is the one way that we all can grow and fly!!
Artfully Yours,
Pattie, this is beautiful! It does feel good to stretch the creative wings, doesn't it? And I don't think ATCs always have to be altered art. They are simply expressions of the soul that you are already sharing, but on a smaller scale.
i think it looks wonderful and i also think ATCs can be any art form, so you can enjoy yourself lots of ways! i would like to try a collage myself. i am really inspired by all that i have seen. glad to have found your work
For some reason this piece reminds me of Edith Wharton...she was a designer and gardener extraordinaire ...maybe that's it...the combo of your whimsical butterfly and inspiring quote!
Anyway she has a famous quote,
"There are two ways of spreading light;
To be the Candle
The Mirror that reflects it."
Pattie...you are both!
Pattie, it is good to do something unfamiliar isnt it...look theres me saying that and I've never even made a ATC in my life, till the other day I didnt even know what they were!
You've done so well! Love the butterfly.
How charming! I think that these other people are right! It's great to stretch and do new things in art but it's also great to make things that make you happy. It's your art, make yourself happy!
Was my first time too:)
I'm surprised to see how many different ATC's people made:)
Greetz from Holland
Lovely work!
It's beautiful! And although I do think it's important to stretch and grow (I did it with one of mine too), I've also come to the conclusion that if a particular method frustrates me past a certain limit, it's generally not worth pursuing-just makes me cranky. I hate that! I think your approach was just right.
Every time I look at your work I smile & marvel at the way you blend colors into each other. There's probably a metaphor there.
You did it again!
I love it... so cheerful. And the 3-d works really well! And how appropriate that the wings extend beyond the page... :-) Lovely!
:-) Kateri
For being new at ATCs, you're doing well. :) And I hear you on the altered art. I've tried to do it, but it never really looks right and it never really feels like me.
I can't wait to see what you do next.
Just beautiful!! I wouldn't have guessed you were new at it!
Very whimsical and fresh! Love it :) I think ATCs can be created in all mediums but I'm with you on the altered art aspect, not much of a stamper either. I find drawing so much easier!!
Simply gorgeous... love the colors as always...
good for your for spreading your wings in this ATC challenge...
And.. from Cheryl's description, ATC could be a mico-mini version of SoulCollage cards (but not the process of course : )...
I think 3D art is my favorite. :)
you've done wonderfully for your first time! I've never made an ATC before either and was out of town for this prompt so I'll be late...
How fun and whimsical, the card looks as though it could take flight! kt
I had a hard time as well, I dont know if it is to small, I do small but not that small, Yours turned out great.
great message!
Ha! Yes you are too hard on yourself - this comes from a person who is too hard on herself! This is wonderful and I love 3D ATCs. The small format is odd at first - I know what you mean on that! One thing I learned from my friend Kerri is to make backgrounds or even artwork on a larger scale and then cut it into pieces. Sorry of like cropping out the important bits. Think about that sometime - it can be a fun exercise! Keep up the great work!!
This is truly inspirational. I too prefer "raw art" if I make a collage or atc. It just suits me better.
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